Uniquely Singapore
I'm back in Singapore on a business trip. Coolio! Singapore is in the mood for Christmas as compared to the cold hard non-Christmassy feel in Shanghai. Check out the lights near Tang's Shopping Center. 

While I was mesmerized by the many lights around town, I was awestruck at what I saw at the escalator (the thing that looked like staircase but actually moves).
Singapore has many rules for mere citizens like us to follow and obey. But I never realized that it was THAT many until now. Does this happen in other countries? Or is this what makes this country Uniquely Singapore?
Retro Revival
Went to a well known local bank today and I can't believe what I saw!
A good old abacus right in front of a computer! Cool!For those of you who are too young to know what an abacus is, here is the dictionary's explanation:ab·a·cus n. pl. ab·a·cus·es or ab·a·ci (b-s, -bk)
A manual computing device consisting of a frame holding parallel rods strung with movable counters.And you thought calculators were in. Retro's the word now...
Snow White's Apples
I have reached a point where people actually chase me for updates in Shanghai Wonders! Yeah!!! Finally the day has arrived!!!Anyway, not to create further disappointment, here it is... an update.This post is dedicated to Snow White. Call me ignorant, Mountain tortoise or in Singaporean term "suaku", I found a strange sight when I shopped at the Lian Hua supermarket recently.
See? Doesn't it remind you of the apples that the Wicked Queen gave in the Snow White & 7 Dwarves fairytale? I will try to hunt down the 7 dwarves in next post...
Becky calling
Singapore, Thai, Japanese, Chinese
Homely, Spicy, Steamboat, Fast food.
These are the various kinds of food I have been having with my neighbour lately... or rather, for the last 3 days.Neighbour tucking into Chinese fast-food
Reading, Haircutting, Shopping, Massage.These are the various kinds of activities I have been doing with my neighbour lately... or rather, for the last 3 days.I wondered silently to myself. Have I become so un-friendly that I don't have friends to hang out with anymore? Is it ok to have a beck-&-call, someone you can always count on to hang out with when you are bored? Or when you simply need someone to have dinner with? Have I became HIS beck-&-call? Trying to recall all the things we did and said. We basically chatted most of the time rather than do things together. It seemed as though the doing part was secondary but chatting key. We can chat about anything... world affairs, home affairs, his love life or the lack of it, my love life, his house, my house, his work, my work and so on.It isn't everyday when you can find a clique-able friend to share your thoughts and life with. It isn't everyday when you can find a friend with whom you can simply be yourself and feel the total acceptance. It isn't everyday when you can have the bond and be honest with each other without guessing whether both of you have likings for each other. It isn't everyday you can find such a pal, a friend, a brother...Perhaps having a beck-&-call isn't that bad after all! Perhaps, we should call this a "miracle".
A little bit of Korea in Shanghai
Since I don't quite have time for a blog but would like to blog, I thought it would be easier if I could start a photo-blog, journaling my Singaporeanized Malaysian days in Shanghai.
First let's start with my visit to the salon!Juno Salon on Shui Cheng Lu
This salon is so cool for the simple reason that it is a getaway for me when I am sick of all the bustling and hustling of Shanghainese people spouting Shanghainese dialect in such vigorous tone to each other. In Juno, Korean's the word. The hair stylists are all from Seoul and macho cool (note, not your typical Shanghainese sensitive new age guys). The assistants are from Northeastern part of China but North Korean tribe. They not just shampoo your hair but perform translation services as well!Can't wait for my next haircut...