Tuesday, December 06, 2005

A little bit of Korea in Shanghai

Since I don't quite have time for a blog but would like to blog, I thought it would be easier if I could start a photo-blog, journaling my Singaporeanized Malaysian days in Shanghai.

First let's start with my visit to the salon!

Juno Salon on Shui Cheng Lu

This salon is so cool for the simple reason that it is a getaway for me when I am sick of all the bustling and hustling of Shanghainese people spouting Shanghainese dialect in such vigorous tone to each other.

In Juno, Korean's the word. The hair stylists are all from Seoul and macho cool (note, not your typical Shanghainese sensitive new age guys). The assistants are from Northeastern part of China but North Korean tribe. They not just shampoo your hair but perform translation services as well!

Can't wait for my next haircut...


Blogger Ronni said...

What kind of comment is that?! You are supposed to comment on my BLOG!

1:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dunno whether u can keep this up ;)

Interesting pic that you took off the reflection of yourself. Give more intricate details

put the highlights and your lows of yr day in.

Remember though not to put any comments about your company

1:19 AM  
Blogger Ronni said...

oh, don't get me started on my company... it's fantastic, good, exciting are the only words in my mind!

11:31 AM  

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