Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Private English Lesson

Usually I don't post other people's pic but this one is really funny! Enjoy.

Get the joke? Hahaha..

Who needs a husband

I have a "boyfriend" at work.

He surprises me flowers... or plants... every other day.

Here's a quick example.

He's our office gardener. :D

Airplane Food

Was on a trip to Beijing via China Eastern Airlines.

And here's a quick look at what I received as my "snack" for the 2-hour flight.

A lousy Chinese-ham with overly buttered egg sandwich, a vacuum-packed beef jerky and....

Chinese health vinegar!!!

Here are the details (read the fine prints):

Now this is the part I can't stand.

Suitable for "high bloodfat persons"?!?!?!?!

Feeling sensitive... I am not eating any of this.