My Dog Saved Me!
Ok, I know I should be writing about things in Shanghai. But hey, I bought Gogo (my dog) in Shanghai! That qualifies right?
Now, back to the subject proper. My dog saved me from getting my Chinese dumpling (水饺) burnt! Yeah!!! What a smart dog!
As usual, I was hungry, put some Chinese dumpling into the shallow pot of water and wait for it to boil. As usual as well, I went on to watch my DVDs and totally forgot about the potential hazard in my house.
Some 15 minutes later, guided by some un-explainable instinct, my dog decided to walk to the kitchen. She came out, stood near the kitchen door where I could see her and beckoned me to come with her dopey eyes.
Then it occurred to me! I have left the Chinese dumpling boiling!!!
In the end, the dumpling was boiled to perfection and my doggie got a nice crispy chicken snack accompanied by a bowl high calcium low fat milk. We enjoyed our meals in silence, with smiles on our faces and gladness in our hearts that we have each other. And of course, food before us.
Ahhhh... A mini "Lassie" in my house.
Now, back to the subject proper. My dog saved me from getting my Chinese dumpling (水饺) burnt! Yeah!!! What a smart dog!
As usual, I was hungry, put some Chinese dumpling into the shallow pot of water and wait for it to boil. As usual as well, I went on to watch my DVDs and totally forgot about the potential hazard in my house.
Some 15 minutes later, guided by some un-explainable instinct, my dog decided to walk to the kitchen. She came out, stood near the kitchen door where I could see her and beckoned me to come with her dopey eyes.
Then it occurred to me! I have left the Chinese dumpling boiling!!!
In the end, the dumpling was boiled to perfection and my doggie got a nice crispy chicken snack accompanied by a bowl high calcium low fat milk. We enjoyed our meals in silence, with smiles on our faces and gladness in our hearts that we have each other. And of course, food before us.
Ahhhh... A mini "Lassie" in my house.

It's a SHE. I think she whined. Definitely no barking.
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