Cabby Chant
Something has always intrigued me for years and with my new faster & better camera, I managed to capture it and imprint it in my memory FoReVeR!!! Now, may I present to you... the Cabby Chant!
First, let me tell you where it is found...

It is found on the plastic panel that protects the cab driver from us mere meek humans who might just decide to use a hammer and knock on the driver's head since many a times, they either couldn't hear our directions or pretend not to hear and go a wrong way. *hammer appearing from my pocket*
The panel not only shields the driver but also shields us from the air conditioner that is supposed to blow right through the middle to the rear seat. This is especially irritating in hot summer and cold winter, which practically dominate the Shanghai weather 80% of the time.
Ok back to the chant. Unfortunately, you have to read Mandarin to fully appreciate this one.

It reads (Mandarin with Singlish translation)
我的服务,您的满意 (My service, Your satisfaction)
客人上车讲“您好” (Customer in car say "Good day")
结算车费应“唱票” (Trip finish must "Sing bill")
付款方式需“询问” (Pay method need "To ask")
车费结清道“谢谢” (Bill is paid say "Thank you"")
随身物品要“提醒” (Hand carrys need "Remind")
客人下车说“再见” (Customer get down say "Bye bye")
Amazing isn't it? They put the whole process of a cab driver into a chant that rhymes! If the driver missed any of the steps, you can actually request that the starting fee be waived. Coolio!
I'll start paying more attention whenever I am in a cab.
First, let me tell you where it is found...

It is found on the plastic panel that protects the cab driver from us mere meek humans who might just decide to use a hammer and knock on the driver's head since many a times, they either couldn't hear our directions or pretend not to hear and go a wrong way. *hammer appearing from my pocket*
The panel not only shields the driver but also shields us from the air conditioner that is supposed to blow right through the middle to the rear seat. This is especially irritating in hot summer and cold winter, which practically dominate the Shanghai weather 80% of the time.
Ok back to the chant. Unfortunately, you have to read Mandarin to fully appreciate this one.

It reads (Mandarin with Singlish translation)
我的服务,您的满意 (My service, Your satisfaction)
客人上车讲“您好” (Customer in car say "Good day")
结算车费应“唱票” (Trip finish must "Sing bill")
付款方式需“询问” (Pay method need "To ask")
车费结清道“谢谢” (Bill is paid say "Thank you"")
随身物品要“提醒” (Hand carrys need "Remind")
客人下车说“再见” (Customer get down say "Bye bye")
Amazing isn't it? They put the whole process of a cab driver into a chant that rhymes! If the driver missed any of the steps, you can actually request that the starting fee be waived. Coolio!
I'll start paying more attention whenever I am in a cab.
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