Sunday, March 12, 2006

Water Woes

Ok, I admit I have been really slow in posting. Now that I have gotten a post on Shanghai done, just a little on my personal life recently.

See, on Mar 11 few things happened:
1. my specs fell into a toilet bowl of my own shit
(no, I am not using this specs anymore even AFTER much washing)
2. my earphones fell into a cup of coffee
3. last but not least, my toilet paper fell into a pool of water

final state

Well, in everything give thanks.
Thankfully due to vanity I have greater than 5 pairs of glasses.
Thankfully due to quick reflex actions, I managed to pull my earphones out before it had time to enjoy a thorough dip in my daily caffeine dose.

Thankfully water still works even if toilet paper doesn't.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

mean- to receive your earphone is no more hope??

3:32 PM  

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